Updated price target for The Farm 51

Although Get Even is number 6 on Gamespot's Xbox One ranking at the moment the delay of the game and the lack of social media support from Bandai has gotten me worried about the promotional push for the game.

I have actually had the pleasure to play the game as I had pre-ordered it on Playstation and it downloaded to my unit beforehand. I really enjoyed the game. All the corner-gun and phone mechanics are cool but this is at the core a story focused game told in a FPS mode. Imagine the game as the movie Inception, but instead of going into dreams you are going into memories. Memories that can change while you are in them, become bizarre, play tricks on you etc. The music was 10/10 fantastic. I recommend anybody who is going to play the game to first listen to this podcast with the game's composer about the music in the game. Although the scanned environments make the wall textures really cool and immersive, the use of the old UE3 engine is evident in that lightning and shading is not at the best. People going into this game expected an Doom style FPS or RE horror game will be let down as the game is none of that. 

Anyway, without Bandai support the game will not be able to sell as well as I had hoped. Therefor I have adjusted my model to assume only 150,000 units sold. This leaves World War 3 as the core cash-flow generating project for The Farm 51 in 2018. Hopefully we will hear more about the game in the near future and potentially a publisher deal during Q3. The game development had already gone quite far the last time I saw the game earlier this year. With GameInn grants and bond funding the company should be able to complete the game without the need of more financing. My new target price has been lowered to 18PLN after lowering my expectations for Get Even sales.

It is important to keep in mind that The Farm 51 is probably the cheapest listed game developer with a full development team and a upcoming IP in the world.