Multiplayer confirmed for SGW3

In an interview ( with CI Games' senior level designer it was confirmed that Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 will have multiplayer.

As previously confirmed the game will be open world.

The campaign will take about 30 hours to complete.  

Moreover, the development budget for the game is 7x that of its predecessor. Something for the 6.6 million owners of the series to look forward to. 



CI Games issues new shares

CI Games reported revenue of PLN6.2m in Q3, compared to PLN4.1m the previous year.

I was not expected any growth in revenues as the only reason I own the company is the release of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 in April next year. So I am actually impressed by them growing revenues without any major titles out.

But the company is issuing 1.1m new shares (7,9% dilution) to be used for the purpose of marketing Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. This explains why the stock is down about 7% today. All information was in Polish so I am relying on google translate here, but my understanding is that the exact details of the issuance will be released tomorrow.

CI Games and Paradox are each about 10% of my portfolio at the moment while the remaining 80% is Frontier Developments.


Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 delayed

CI Games just released an update telling us that the release date of SGW3 is being pushed back from January to April. The reason:

CI Games has received excellent feedback from hands-on sessions with press, streamers and fans, and as a result, want to offer its supporters more features in the game for launch.

We’re making an ambitious game and unfortunately still need an extra few months to make sure it will stand up to the expectations of the fans. - Marek Tymiński, CEO of CI Games

CI Games is the smallest position in my portfolio and probably the riskiest. It is more of a bet on SGW3 being a success - which I still believe it will be. It is a AAA-title with over 6.6 million copies sold of 1 & 2 and the demos I have seen look very promising.